Saturday, September 18, 2010

Who built the Great Wall in China?

It 'impossible to answer the question of history that built the Great Wall of China with one name, or Empire period. From 5th Century BC, the people of the Warring States period in China built fortifications to guard and protect their capital. These fortifications were the basis for what later one of the true results of human history.

Who built the Great Wall of ChinaOriginally?

The original wall for the first time officially began in 221 BC and was built under the supervision of the Qin Dynasty. Led by Qin Shi Huang, the man who could unite the period after China and the late Warring States, the effort was a monumental undertaking. Finally, after the unification of the empire was his goal, as such, and so he devotes at once to keep many resources to build bridge the gaps between the existing fortifications in the last 200 years and created the firstGreat Wall.

This wall was largely built of rammed earth, flat top, which was beyond the scope of the Qin to transfer materials to date. In the mountain passes, but the stones were used. These early sections of wall were built, rebuilt and maintained for the short-lived Qin Dynasty in 206 BC when the Han dynasty seized. During the Han, Sui, Northern and Jin Dynasty, the wall has been maintained in some areas, depending on the needs ofEmpire of those times. However, due to the nature of the construction and maintenance of their high demand, many sections were allowed to degrade and disintegrate. It may be that is not yet known the original cover of the wall of Qin was.

Who built the Great Wall of China we see today?

Part of the Qin Great Wall are still visible, especially in the mountains. However, much has been destroyed by the original route for the time being, particularly the sectionsSupplies from rammed earth. It was not until the Ming Dynasty was fortified involved in a vicious circle of war with the Mongols, the Great Wall of China and has seen a resurgence of support.

In 1449, after the Battle of Tumu in which the Mongol Empire defeated the army of Ming China aimed at the creation of walls, once more to protect its population. The Great Wall of China was built to new invaders, especially along the borders of Mongolia to take north. For 20 yearsThe walls were strictly maintained during the Ming Dynasty. But after a general of the Ming and betrayed his authorized invaders in the country, the Qing Dynasty was founded, and soon China, Mongolia was included in and the walls were left alone, since no longer needed.

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